Saturday, March 15, 2025

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Tricia Macke wins 45th consecutive regional Emmy for tanning

CINCINNATI, OH – Veteran FOX-19 anchor Tricia Macke has been awarded her 45th consecutive regional Emmy award for Excellence in the Field of Tanning Arts. The award makes Macke one of the most decorated personalities in the city, and one of the most honored people in the field of tanning nationwide.

Tricia macke is a pioneer in the world of tanning

“We could not be more proud of our Tricia,” said FOX-19 executive director Dick Todd. “Her work ethic, dedication, and constant vigilance when it comes to tanning is something every young lady should strive to achieve.”

Tanning technology was unheard of when Tricia started

Macke began her career as a well-tanned news personality when tanning opportunities and technology where less common. “She was a pioneer, no doubt about it,” said nationally recognized tanning news personality Robin Meade. “When I was a little girl, I had a picture of Tricia Macke on my bedside table and each night I would say a prayer to someday become an orange tinged news powerhouse like her. Then I would put my arm up to her picture and compare to see if I was getting close.”

“It’s true,” explains Macke. “When I first went to make my impact on the world of tanned news, there was not a tanning salon on every corner. I used homemade remedies using chicken fat and a cooking torch. And now, my shelves at home are filled with shiny awards.”

Tricia stayed vigilant in her fight for tanning recognition

The consecutive Tanning Award streak almost came to an end in the mid 1980’s, when WLWT news anchor Norma Rashid was up for the award. “Tricia was not going to be denied,” said regional Emmy Chairman Emeritus Jeff Combes. “She made a complaint to the board that Norma was genetically predisposed to darker skin, thus her more robust shade was a result of heritage and not actual tanning.”

Macke remains humble and offers hope to pale people

Despite her dominance in the field, Macke remained humble while accepting the award. “I would like to dedicate this to the pale people,” she said. “I have been very lucky in my life and my profession. I love getting up and going to work every day where I get to go tanning, put on pretty clothes and have my hair and make-up done. It’s not all easy though. Several hours a week they make me sit in a chair and read words on a teleprompter while someone runs a camera.”

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