Saturday, March 15, 2025

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Bunbury festival beer line expected to dissipate by All-Star Game

CINCINNATI, OH – The 2015 Bunbury festival in Cincinnati was, by all accounts, a record-setting success. Many people are continuing to enjoy the festival, living the experience of it, by continuing to wait in the festival beer line. The line is still holding strong, and is expected to stay that way until the Major League Baseball All-Star Game.

A jubilant Kevin Mecham is spending his third week standing in line for a beer. “I really thrive off of the sense of community and good vibes that happen in the festival scene. There is so much hope and joy that there is a sorta hazy glow on all of us. It could be dehydration but I love it. It would have liked to see a few minutes of the shows, but who knows? Maybe Snoop is still hanging around, waiting for me and these other hundred people to get our beers so he can put on a killer encore!”

Organizers of the event acknowledge the minor hiccups in service, but see things ending smoothly. “We are glad that everyone had such a great time at the festival,” said production assistant Tonya Ross. “In our first year as new owners of the event, we knew that there might be a few bumps in the road, but they were rather minor. If you would have told me that the worst thing to happen at the festival was a few hundred people waiting in line for beer from early June to the middle of July, I would have been thrilled. Luckily, that has turned out to be the case.”

The City of Cincinnati also seems content with the situation. “We are looking forward to the MLB All-Star Game placing our city on the national stage,” said city spokesman Evan Daniels. “We were thrilled to hear that all beer lines are expected to dissipate by the time the All-Star Game festivities kick off. We wouldn’t want the national cameras to confuse music festival patrons waiting in beer lines with All-Star Game fans waiting in beer lines.”

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