Saturday, March 8, 2025

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Halloween costume store changes name to ‘Ye Olde Slut Shoppe’

WEST CHESTER, OH – Seeking a name that better represented what their customers are looking for, the owners of the Halloween Towne Costume Store have changed the name to Ye Olde Slut Shoppe.

Ye Olde Slut Shoppe
proprietor Janette Stallworth is pleased with the change. “Business has really picked up. I think a lot of customers worried that the term ‘costume store’ would mean that we sold elaborate stuff with lots of fabric. So we changed the name to let everyone know that we provide what Halloween is all about: tiny, whorish, flesh revealing, and skin-tight outfits.”

At first, Stallworth worried that the local zoning board would not approve the name. “I thought maybe they would give me a hard time about the insinuation of the name. But they were fine with it. The only real rule West Chester has about business names is you have to throw in some unnecessary letters to make it sound upscale and homey. We almost spelled it ‘Ye Olde Slutte Shoppe’ make them really happy.”

Zoning board member Terry Gaffigan confirms that the business is seen as part of the season. “No problem here. In fact, I just took a stroll through the store to get some ideas for the wife. I’m gonna recommend she go with the vampire cheerleader this year.”

Asked what the popular costumes are this year, Janette replied, “Costumes? Oh, I dunno. We sell a lot of panties and leotards, so I guess the popular costumes are ‘girl wearing panties’ and ‘girl wearing leotard’. We throw in a few super tight and skimpy kittens, bunnies, nurses, and school girls give the shop a traditional Halloween feel. ”

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