Saturday, March 15, 2025

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KATIE VS. MEN: Is it okay to ask a guy out?

By Katie Michaels, DERF Lifestyle Columnist
Absolutely! Times have changed. Women are no longer expected to sit and wait for “Mr. Right” to coming strolling along! Ha! It’s just silly. It’s not inappropriate or un-ladylike to ask a guy out first. Where, oh where did our grandmothers come up with that? We all know the answer – men!

So, how do you go about asking a guy out, you say? It’s so easy and it works. You have to be confident, though. If you’re not, it’s not going to work. If you cave in at the first hint of sexual attention he gives you, you lose.

Start by flirting at work but follow these rules of the game

Ok, so maybe there’s a guy at work that you’re attracted to. Start with what we do best, girls – the irresistible, flirty-eyes-with-the-devilish-smile. If he’s got a pulse, and he’s at least semi-interested, it works a good percentage of time. “Accidentally” run into him during a break or on your way to the copy machine. It’s time to start up a conversation but keep in mind some of these basic rules of the game:

  • Start a conversation, but don’t reveal any motives or interests, yet.
  • Be subtle. Never over-the-top.
  • For now, Level 1 flirting only. This means a smile and fleeting eye contact. Nothing ditzy.
  • Keep it simple. Ask how his weekend was etc. Don’t be too eager.
  • Do NOT ask if he has a girlfriend. Right now, just basic office friendliness.
  • Play hard-to-get for awhile. Keep it short and sweet. Always be the one to end the conversation.
  • Mystery is key. It’s hard to tell if you’re interested or just a friendly co-worker.
  • Leave the opportunity open for him to suggest a date first.

Play the long game by keeping him guessing

But, if you do get the opportunity to be the one that asks him out, still keep him guessing – is this just a casual date or is she really into me? That way, when you do go out, you can kind of “test” him, to see if he’s really someone YOU would like to go out with again. Playing hard-to-get will give you the most accurate picture of his true feelings. I know I always say this, but, trust me – I know what I’m talking about. LOL.

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